Location/Communities Affected:

Southern Clarendon
The Water Supply Scheme supplies water to the southern area of Clarendon, primarily
in the communities of Lionel Town, Mitchell Town, Rocky Point, Pusey Hall, Dacosta
and Portland Cottage.
Background and Purpose:
Previously, the residents of Southern Clarendon, particularly the communities of Lionel Town, Mitchell Town, Rocky Point, Pusey Hall, Dacosta and Portland Cottage, were serviced by the Kemps Hill Water Supply. However, this water had proven inadequate over time, due to the population growth. Therefore, the Government of Jamaica made the decision to develop the Southern Clarendon Water Supply Scheme. This supply scheme was designed to serve approximately 17,000 residents and provisions were made to serve an additional 5,000 residents, in the event of a population growth.
The work that was done consisted of the rehabilitation of an existing pumping station as well as the installation of two new vertical turbine pumps, fencing, operators’ amenities and a pumping main.
Projected Outputs:
The outputs of the project were:
- The rehabilitation of an existing pump station.
- The installation of 2 new 60h.p. vertical turbine pumps.
- The installation of fencing.
- The installation of operator’s amenities.
- The development of a well yielding 35.33 litres per second.
- The laying of a 250mm ductile iron pumping main from the well-site to Lionel Town over a distance of 7km.
- The laying of a 200mm pipeline from Lionel Town to Pusey Hall.
- The laying of 200mm, 150mm, 100mm and 50mm distribution mains to transport water further into the service areas.
Operator of the System:
The National Water Commission is responsible for operating and maintaining the supply scheme.
Status and Cost:
The project was completed at a cost of $118.906 million.
Project Management Team:
The project management team comprised of Mr. Opal Gillings and Mr. Daymar Creary from Rural Water Supply Ltd.


Work in Progress:
