Location/Communities Affected:
Haining/Belle Castle/Scotts Run, Portland
The Water Supply System supplies water to eastern Portland, primarily in the
communities of Haining, Belle Castle and Scotts Run.
Background and Purpose:
The Haining/Belle Castle/Scotts Run Water Supply System supplies potable (drinkable) water to approximately 2500 persons and does not require any power supply to operate. During the wet seasons, the system was adequate in supplying water. However, the dry season presented a challenge in supplying water as the pipes were encrusted and leaking. These leakages made the supply inadequate and unreliable as it decreased the amount of water available to the residents in these communities. Therefore, the Government of Jamaica made the decision to repair the pipes.
The repairs to the pipes allowed the water supply to be sufficient as it increased the amount of water available for distribution.
Projected Outputs:
The output of the project was:
- The distribution network consisting of 0.1016m and 0.0508m diameter P.V.C pipes which was upgraded from a network of 0.0762m and 0.0508m diameter galvanized iron pipes.
Operator of the System:
The National Water Commission is responsible for operating and maintaining the supply system.
Status and Cost:
The project was completed at a cost of $15.887 million.
Project Management Team:
The project management team comprised of Mr. Alton Walker and Mr. Paul Cummings from Rural Water Supply.

Work in Progress: