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Little Bay Primary and Infant School

A laundromat is to be established at Little Bay Primary and Infant School in Westmoreland to assist students in washing their uniforms and other articles of clothing.

This is being done against the background of water challenges impacting the community.

Principal, Keron King, told JIS News that the facility is being funded by longstanding donor partner, the UZAZI Foundation, which is based in Canada.

The facility is to be housed in the school’s reading room and will be provided with water from a 20,000-gallon tank that was recently installed at the institution by Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL).

“We realised that there is no running water [in the community], and sometimes the children will complain about not getting their uniforms washed on time. So, as part of caring for our students and looking at things from a holistic point of view, we [decided] to set up a laundromat so the children can take their uniforms in, get them washed and ironed, and get their regular clothes washed here as well,” King informed.


He thanked the UZAZI Foundation for funding the laundromat’s establishment, noting that this is expected to aid in significantly building the students’ self-esteem.

“The washing machine and dryer are on their way to Jamaica; in a matter of weeks, they are going to be here. So, [for that] we are very thankful and appreciative,” he added.

King said the students and parents are “very excited” about the laundromat, noting they have queried whether the facility’s use can be extended to the wider community.

“We are looking at, first of all, serving our own children, and beyond that, we will [seek to] extend [the gesture] to the community,” he indicated.

The principal also expressed gratitude to RWSL for installing the tank, noting that as it has cut the institution’s water budget by approximately 90 percent.

King pointed out that the tank also enables the school to provide the children with drinking water and cater to the youngsters’ other needs.

He said it is anticipated that the tank will also serve to assist to the rest of the community, “in the event that we have a crisis.”

In their quest to become self-sufficient, the school has installed a generator-powered irrigation system that helps to water the institution’s garden and supply some areas of the campus with the amenity.

The garden supplies produces such as callaloo, pak choi and pumpkin, for the cafeteria which, coupled with chickens reared for eggs and poultry meat, supplements the breakfast programme.

Approximately 80 percent of the students benefit from the programme when school is in session.

King emphasised that the school continues to take the holistic development of its students seriously, as it continues its thrust to ensure that “all the needs of our students are catered to.”

– JIS News


Artificial Underground Recharge System Tour

JIS News

State Minister in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Homer Davis, says a plan is being looked at to establish an underground water recharge system in Clarendon.

The State Minister, who toured the Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL) Artificial Underground Recharge System in Innswood, St. Catherine, on July 13, said the system will boost supply of the commodity in Clarendon.

“This is a very successful project, and we are looking at Clarendon to see if such a system can be replicated there,” Mr. Davis told journalists.

“It is a very potent project, serving a wide area, and it is part of a national policy to enhance the quality of life for people,” he added.

The St. Catherine facility is situated on 68 acres of land, and its main function is to divert approximately five million gallons of water per day from the Rio Cobre river through the National Irrigation Commission (NIC) canal during the wet season.

After the water is extracted from the canal, it is settled and injected into limestone wells to recharge the limestone aquifer, and to replenish the abstractions from wells in the Portmore/Bernard Lodge area.

“It is important that we have these wells being recharged, to ensure easy access to potable water, and we are also encouraging citizens to have the necessary storage capacity to deal with rainwater harvesting. We have to look at various measures to put us in a better position,” he said.

The system was built at a cost of $1.1 billion, with financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The State Minister lauded the RWSL team for their management of the system.

Meanwhile, Mr. Davis said there are springs across the island that never go dry, and “we are looking at these springs, doing the measurement, in consultation with the WRA (Water Resources Authority), to see how much we can extract from these systems to benefit the people”.

Government Launches Water Monitoring Initiative In Schools

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (left), pins Water Monitor at the Rock Hall All Age School, Alecia Waugh (2nd right), at the launch of a water monitoring initiative, called ‘Water IQ Initiative’, or ‘WiQi’, at the St. Andrew West Rural educational institution. Shanakaye Morgan (rght), and other Monitors observe.

To advance the culture of water conservation, the Government has launched a water monitoring initiative among primary and high school students.

Under the programme, called ‘Water IQ Initiative’, or ‘WiQi’, the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL), National Water Commission (NWC), and the Water Resources Authority (WRA), are collaborating with 11 schools initially, that have been retrofitted with water harvesting systems.

The programme will eventually reach 200 schools to foster sustainability of the initiative, with the assignment of at least 12 monitors in each institution, aided by a teacher or the administrative staff. All the monitors will be trained by the agencies.

“The role of the Water Monitors and the Coordinator will be to ensure that the school continues to develop proper water conservation strategies among the entire student body, while simultaneously developing initiatives to raise awareness within the school,” Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., said at the recent launch of the programme, at the Rock Hall All Age School, in St. Andrew.

He explained that ‘WiQi’, which is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, is targeting schools, as they are “critical” in the society for the moulding of the minds.”

The Minister said that schools are among the largest consumers of water, and if “we are to change behaviour in a sustainable way, we must start with our children.”

According to Senator Charles Jr., the programme is seeking to “activate” children for a good cause, not just when they are at school, but also in their homes, to build a firm platform for “water security.”

“The children have a huge responsibility, not just for their school, but for their homes and for the future of our country. If change is to come, it must be preceded by a change in our overall mindset, to ensure that the world that our children are to inherit will be one without the problems that we face today,” the Minister said.

Senator Charles Jr. said the initiative will allow teachers and students to be standard bearers, as the Government is ensuring that as it puts in water infrastructure, promotion is done to encourage behaviour change in the schools, in the home, and across communities.

Meanwhile, Principal of the Rock Hall All Age School, Paula Plummer, told JIS News that the programme “is awesome, as it will help students with their leadership skills, and their own sense of purpose and importance.”

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (4th left, back row), with the St. Andrew West Rural based Rock Hall All Age School Water Monitors, at the launch of the programme, called ‘Water IQ Initiative’, or ‘WiQi’, at the school, recently. Also with the Monitors (from left, back row) are: Managing Director of the Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL), Audley Thompson; Principal of the school, Paula Plummer; Member of Parliament for West Rural St. Andrew, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn; Chairman of the RWSL, Councillor Homer Davis, who is also Mayor of Montego Bay; Education Officer at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Latoya Johnson; and Managing Director of the Water Resources Authority (WRA), Peter Clarke.
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (4th left, back row), with the St. Andrew West Rural based Rock Hall All Age School Water Monitors, at the launch of the programme, called ‘Water IQ Initiative’, or ‘WiQi’, at the school, recently. Also with the Monitors (from left, back row) are: Managing Director of the Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL), Audley Thompson; Principal of the school, Paula Plummer; Member of Parliament for West Rural St. Andrew, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn; Chairman of the RWSL, Councillor Homer Davis, who is also Mayor of Montego Bay; Education Officer at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Latoya Johnson; and Managing Director of the Water Resources Authority (WRA), Peter Clarke.


For her part, Water Monitor at the school, Gari-Anna McKenzie, said the role is a welcomed one for her. “I feel very happy, because I will be able to help others, and tell them how to use water, and what conservation means.”

Another student, Amaire Sinclair, said he too is proud to take on the responsibility of ensuring that his peers understand their role in preserving water for the benefit of all.

For Managing Director of the WRA, Peter Clarke, preservation must be preached, and “when we educate the children about the water resources, we are educating them about monitoring, managing it, and we are building a future of persons who will have the mindset that water is a precious commodity, and it must be preserved.”

Rainwater Harvesting Systems To Be Installed At 30 More Schools

Managing Director of the Rural Water Supply Limited, Audley Thompson, speaking at the recent commissioning ceremony of a rainwater harvesting system at the Enid Bennett High School in St Catherine – Contributed photo

Jamaica Gleaner:

Approximately 30 more schools will benefit from rainwater harvesting systems to be installed by the Rural Water Supply Limited.

The agency recently commissioned into service systems installed at Rock Hall All-Age School in St Andrew and the Enid Bennett High School in St Catherine, with another 30 set for completion by the end of the 2019/20 fiscal year.

Managing Director, Audley Thompson, says the agency’s increased budget is enabling it to install systems in more educational institutions and communities.

Thompson indicated that the agency had discussions with the Ministry of Education and obtained a list of 182 primary schools which also require an improved water supply, adding that funding is being sought for the project.

He was speaking at the recent commissioning of the $7 million rainwater harvesting system installed at Enid Bennett High School.

Meanwhile, Thompson said the agency will be installing 26 minor water supply systems, which will afford improved access to the amenity for some 65,000 residents islandwide.

He informed that these will be established in several communities including Hamwalk, Redwood, Lucky Valley, Sligoville, and Watermount.

“We intend, also, to complete 23 catchment tanks which will benefit approximately 6,000 residents. We will continue to earnestly fulfil the mandate which we have been charged with by the Government and people of Jamaica,” Thompson stated.

He indicated that the agency recently provided water solutions to the Gardon Hill Primary School in St.Catherine, where the institution is being utilised to supply the community storage tank with pipelines installed to facilitate distribution.

Additionally, rainwater harvesting systems, storage facilities, and a number of 400-gallon black tanks were also provided for residents of Giblatore in the parish, with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank.

Rural Water Supply to boost storage capacity in St Mary

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator Pearnel Charles Jr (2nd right), listens as Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL) Engineer, Paul Cummings (left), highlights features of the Maroon Town water supply system in St Mary, during a tour of the parish on Thursday (October 24). At right is Mayor of St Mary, Councillor Richard Creary. (Photo: JIS)

ST MARY, Jamaica— Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator Pearnel Charles Jr, is assuring residents of St Mary that they will have increased access to water supply before year end.

He said that the Government, through Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL), will be undertaking work to increase storage capacity in order to alleviate the water shortage being faced across various communities.

He was speaking after a tour of four RWSL supply systems in the parish on Thursday, to assess the volumes of water available as a result of recent rainfall, which followed droughts conditions in sections of the island.

The systems are Gibbs Hill, Maroon Town, Top Leinster, and Platfield.  Engineers and other officials from the RWSL were on hand to conduct assessments.

“On this tour, we have had the benefit of visiting a number of places and looking into the water sources and how we are going to get water to all of the people in Platfield, Clarks, Mount Vernon and other places around,” Charles Jr said.

“This Government is more concerned about results than we are about talking about things and so my focus is on solutions and getting it done,” he added.

The residents welcomed the visit by the minister and the assurance given that their water challenges will be alleviated shortly.

“I am happy the minister came and spoke with us,” said Dorothy Morgan of Top Leinster. “That is encouraging. We can see where he is making an effort to ensure that we have water that we can access,” she told JIS News.

Lance Brown of Platfield said he too is pleased about the Government’s intervention to address the water shortage.

“With the minister saying that he will look into having better catchment in our community, I feel much better. I know that water will be in a tank and so we in the hills can access it,” he said.



Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Karl Samuda (left) celebrates with residents of Hermitage in St Ann, Member of Parliament for North East St Ann and Minister of Labour and Social Security Shahine Robinson (right) and Director of the Rural Water Supply Limited Farrah Blake (center) as the community receives piped water for the first time in a commissioning ceremony on Friday, February 15, 2019 – Contributed photo.

Jamaica Gleaner:

Residents of Hermitage in St Ann now have piped water for the first time following the commissioning of the community’s new water supply system by Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Karl Samuda on Friday.

The Hermitage Water Supply System was implemented by Rural Water Supply Limited at a cost of $14.4 million.

Under the project, PVC distribution pipelines and service laterals were installed throughout the community and connected to an existing National Water Commission (NWC) system nearby.

Samuda, who has responsibility for water, said there will be a significant boost in the budget of the Rural Water Supply Limited in the next fiscal year enabling the agency to undertake similar projects across the island.

He noted that when combined with projects being implemented by the NWC, the efforts will result in real improvements in the provision of water.

“I have committed that over the next two years, we will be bringing relief to the vast cross-section of persons who are affected,” said Samuda.

The residents were urged by their Member of Parliament and Minister of Labour and Social Security Shahine Robinson not to waste the valuable resource.

Samuda and Robinson also used the opportunity to visit the Chalky Hill Primary and Infant School in St Ann to view the rehabilitation of the school’s water storage system.

The work to repair the school’s two water storage tanks was carried out by Rural Water Supply Limited at a cost of $1.6 million.

Minister Samuda Lauds Rural Water Supply Ltd

Minister Samuda lauds Rural Water Supply Limited


Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Karl Samuda, has lauded the work of the Rural Water Supply Limited (RWSL) in completing four major projects in St. James.

Valued at a cost of approximately $54 million, the projects include restoration of the Spring Gardens and Montpelier water systems and improvements to the rainwater-harvesting systems at Roehampton Primary and Basic School, and Anchovy Primary School.

More than 7,000 Jamaicans, including some 1,500 schoolchildren, are benefiting from improved access to potable water as a result of these works.

“I want to say how very impressed I am with the work being done by Rural Water Supply Limited; it is nothing short of miraculous,” Minister Samuda said.

“The kind of dedication that has been brought to the process by the Board of the RWSL, supported by the leadership within the Ministry, will serve us very well,” he added.

Minister Samuda was speaking at a ceremony held in the parish recently for the official commissioning of the Montpelier water system.

He hailed RWSL Board Chairman and Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Homer Davis, for “committedly executing his role”.

Minister Samuda, during his address, noted that the RWSL remains steadfast in its operations despite financial constraints.

Message from Dr. Horace Chang- World Water Day-2017

Each year, the celebration of World Water Day places focus on the critical importance of this most precious resource to every human being on earth.  This year, the United Nations theme is “Wastewater” with a supporting campaign slogan from the World Health Organisation (WHO) – “Why Waste Water?” – focussing on both water and wastewater. This highlights one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on improving water quality and reducing, treating and reusing wastewater.  Indeed, the provision of both services is a critical part of the thrust towards sustainable development.
It is reported that over 663 million persons throughout the world have to travel far distances to access potable, water even though approximately 1.5 billion work in water related sectors.
According to the United Nations, the use of water has grown by more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century.  In addition, it is estimated that by 2025, approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide will live in areas where water is scarce, with an additional  two thirds of the world’s population occupying  what is termed “water stressed” regions.
Pollution and the impacts of climate change are likely to place additional stress on the world’s water resources as the worldwide demand for water continues to increase.
Here in Jamaica, we too are threatened by the impacts of climate change, population growth and the improper disposal of wastes. However, we are blessed with good quality water resources and our water is rigorously treated before distribution.
The Government’s primary objective is to ensure that our consumers are drought resilient and not subjected to water lock offs. Therefore, through the National Water Commission (NWC) and the Rural Water Supply Limited we will extend our water supply services to more areas.  Additionally, we intend to reduce non-revenue water from 70% to 55% by 2021.
While this administration seeks to extend water supply services to more areas, we are also giving due attention to expanding and improving wastewater services and facilities, to protect water sources, guard public health, preserve our fragile eco-systems and protect economic investments.  
We are therefore in the process of correcting our sewage treatment systems throughout the island through partnerships with multi-lateral agencies and the private sector, – utilizing innovative financing approaches to expand our existing sewer network, by constructing new plants and rehabilitating many others.
The Soapberry Treatment Plant will be expanded and the sewage treated to a satisfactory level and reused as wastewater suitable for irrigation. The NWC is now spending J$1.5 B to undertake wastewater improvement projects in Boscobel, Elletson Flats, Bay Farm Villas and several other locations islandwide. Still more will be spent on wastewater improvements in the new financial year.
As we commemorate World Water Day this year, I urge you all to reduce your water use by conserving whenever you can.
Replenish and protect our watersheds by replanting our trees and forests and recycle wastewater around the home.
As we work to make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business, we ask that you partner with us to address the challenges that may arise in the provision of water and wastewater services and in ensuring the sustainability of our water resources which will produce tangible benefits for all of us.


Hundreds to Benefit from Mahoe Ridge/Horse Guard Water Supply System

Photo: Sharon EarleMinister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Robert Pickergill (3rd right) is assisted by Member of Parliament for South St. James, Hon. Derrick Kellier (4th right), in unveiling the sign at site of the Mahoe Ridge to Horse Guard Water Supply System, which was officially commissioned into service by Minister Pickersgill on Friday (October 30). Others (from left) are: Councillor for the Catadupa Division, Gladstone Bent; Managing Director of the Water Resources Authority, Basil Fernandez; General Manager, Rural Water Supply Limited, Douglas Wilson; Mayor of Montego Bay and Councillor for the Maroon Town Division, Glendon Harris; and Councillor for the Welcome Hall Division, Martin Kellier.

Hundreds of residents of five farming communities in South St. James will now have improved access to potable water following completion of the Mahoe Ridge to Horse Guard Water Supply System.

Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Robert Pickersgill, on Friday (October 30), officially commissioned the system into service, which will benefit the areas of Mahoe Ridge, Horse Guard, Red Dirt and sections of Garland and Cold Spring.

Undertaken by the Rural Water Supply Limited at a cost of $9 million, the project entailed installation of three water tanks with total capacity of 7,000 gallons; construction of pumping station with chlorination room, and a 6,000-gallon concrete sump, complete with a gas pump; and installation of 1.4 kilometres of pipeline and two fire hydrants.

In his address, Minister Pickersgill informed that the commissioning of the scheme is in keeping with Government’s commitment to provide all rural residents with access to potable water by the year 2020.

By providing communities with a safe, reliable source of water, Minister Pickersgill said, they will be better able to attract new businesses and expand existing operations. This will, in turn, increase employment opportunities and development within rural areas.

Minister Pickersgill noted further that provision of potable water “contributes to cleaner, healthier households and a cleaner healthier community.”

He urged the beneficiaries to take care of the system and conserve on the use of water by recycling wherever possible. “We need to be more diligent in detecting and reporting leaks.  We must explore alternative means of receiving and storing water such as rainwater harvesting,” he added.

Minister Pickersgill also urged them to help protect the country’s water resources.

“Taking care of the water that we have is not the responsibility of central government and the local authorities alone.  Each and every one of us must play our part,” he said.

“We must take care of our environment, and stop polluting our rivers and streams with garbage and other forms of waste matter,” he noted further.

Member of Parliament for South St. James, Hon. Derrick Kellier; and Councillors for the Catadupa and Maroon Town divisions, Gladstone Bent and Glendon Harris respectively, expressed gratitude for the completion of the project.

The St. James Parish Council has responsibility for monitoring and maintenance of the water system.